Dear International Family!🥰
Let me guess🤔, you are a free-spirited traveler🤗 who is always ready to try out new things!🤩How about going to the coolest bars in Szeged?🥳 Join us for an amazing😁 night🌃 spiced up✨ with a whole bunch of fun activities🤩 and many pub destinations! You'll be separated into small groups to find all the great places in the city!😍
I hope we got your attention🧐 and now let's continue with the rules of participation:⬇️
👉1. You need to register in the ESN Office as soon as possible because the spots are limited.
👉2. The participation fee: 2000HUF which covers all the costs of the game and you will get drinks at every places.
👉3. Deadline: 24.09 (Tuesday) 16.00.
👉4. Meeting point: 19.30 Dugonics Square (in front of the building of University of Szeged).
Don't miss it! Bring all of your friends and let's have fun together with the ESN mentors!🙌
See you there!
ESN Szeged
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